Analysis & Solutions Consultants

DBE firm Analysis & Solutions Consultants (ASC) is conducting vital geotechnical instrumentation and monitoring work during the excavation of the Tail Track Exit Shaft, as described above. As FKTP digs their way 90 feet below the surface, ASC uses an array of sensors to detect even the most minute movement, in order to ensure the shaft is safely constructed.

Project Manager Rahul Vaishnav explained that 120 individual sensors have been placed for just this portion of the Project. ASC will be monitoring the entire length of the Project, which will include installing more sensors every 50 to 200 feet along the tunnel path. This includes monitoring the buildings along Wilshire Blvd.

Jaswanth Gummalla and Choua Yang are part of the Pre- and Post-Construction Survey (PCS) team that conducts this monitoring. Click here to read more about their innovative PCS methods, as well as some of the equipment that ASC uses for the job.

Dots Oyenuga, Ph.D., P.E., ASC Principal/Owner, has extensive experience in geotechnical instrumentation, construction noise and vibration control, and pre-construction and post-construction surveys, including work on over 20 tunnel projects. He previously worked on the design of the Metro Red Line in Los Angeles, as well as the largest excavation in the United States, for a transit project in San Francisco. His work has taken him from Utah to Massachusetts—even Hawaii.

It's hard to find a firm with more relevant experience than ASC. The company literally wrote the book on tunneling: “Road Tunnel Design Guidelines” is used by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and sold worldwide by the U.S. Department of Commerce.

Dots looks forward to helping complete the Purple Line Extension and meeting the required challenge of monitoring tunneling operations in real time. Fortunately, Dots believes he has the right crew for the job.


American Safety Group, Inc.


Arellano Associates